2 Timothy 1:7 tells us that, "God has not given us a Spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."
The solution to fear is Truth, not subjective shades of truth, but THE TRUTH, The Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Gospel empowers us to fight fear, do you know Jesus or are you like Pontius Pilate, staring Truth in the face and left asking, "What is Truth?"
Join us weeknights at 9PM EST on Facebook, YouTube or on our website at aliveministriesusa.com
Blessings in Christ,
Rev. Christopher B. Cain
ALIVE Ministries USA
Dear Brother and Sister in Christ, It is likely you have found and are listening to this because you are grieving a loved one....
This is a podcast of a devotional I wrote entitled "What is Truth?" Find out more about Alive Ministries USA at AliveMinistriesUSA.com
Mark 2